As you begin the process of packing up your life and entering a new chapter, do you know what to do when moving with your hamster? Your furry friend should be one of your top priorities when relocating. Leave it to the experts at our moving company in Southwest Florida to provide you with some of the best tips for traveling with a hamster.
Tips for Traveling With a Hamster
What really entails a move with your hamster? Learn more tips below from our expert Fort Myers movers.
Use a Travel Cage
The number one rule of moving with your hamster is to bring a cage. While bringing your hamster’s regular cage might sound like a good idea, it might not be travel-friendly. We recommend purchasing a travel cage for your hamster for a smoother ride.
Larger cages are awkward to transport, and glass tanks can break easily. Choose a small cage with metal bars that will be easier to travel. Keep in mind: hamsters are expert chewers — making it possible for your pet to escape from a plastic or cardboard travel container.
Remove Regular Bedding
The regular shredded paper that lines the bottom of your hamster’s cage may not stay put during the move. If you’re using a metal or slated travel cage, smaller shreds can escape, littering your car. Swap shredded paper for larger pieces of plain paper, paper towels, or wash towels.
Create a Hiding Place
The trauma of traveling isn’t easy on your pint-sized pet. A hiding place gives your hamster a way to feel safe and secure. Our expert moving company in Bradenton suggests a soft or cushioned hiding place. Hard, plastic models can cause serious injury if they fly or bump around in the car. Avoid tiny tubes or anything that your pet could get stuck in during the move.
Bring Ample Food
If the move requires going a few extra miles, with the help from our long-distance moving company, we recommend bringing your pet’s favorite food with you. Don’t place the food in their cage as you usually would. It will most likely end up spread across the bedding. Keep the food with you, dish it out during rest stops as needed.
Provide Plenty of Water
When moving with your hamster, hydration is essential! Stop dehydration before it starts. Attach your hamster’s water bottle to the inside of the travel cage. Routinely check the bottle to make sure that it’s not leaking and still has enough water to hydrate your pet.
Avoid Excessive Handling
It’s not uncommon to want to hold your furry friend when moving. However, to avoid any potential risks, it is suggested you avoid excessive holding when moving with your hamster. Hamsters can bite when startled, stressed, or aggravated. Your pet might become irritated and aggressive due to the stress of moving and the long car ride.
There is a risk of dropping your hamster if it bites you quickly and unexpectedly. Your scared hamster will end up playing hide and seek due to fear and it will be tough to find your furry friend.
Keep Temperatures Consistent
The ideal air temperature for a hamster ranges from the mid 60 to low 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Exposure to temperatures that are too cold can lead to a lethal false hibernation, while higher temperatures can cause heatstroke.
When moving with your hamster, make sure to keep the car’s temperature in a range that your pet enjoys. If you need to stop to eat or use the restroom, bring the hamster in its travel cage with you. Leaving the hamster unattended in a cold or hot car is dangerous.
A car parked in the shade on a hot day can reach an indoor air temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit within an hour. Parking your car in the sun can cause a sharper — and quicker — rise in temperature. Even if the temperature doesn’t seem extreme, the inside air could prove fatal for your hamster. Make sure you protect your companion by keeping the temperature consistent.
If you need any further assistance or information regarding moving with your hamster, please contact us today. Our staff is here to provide you with outstanding service and answer any questions. Call us today and receive your free moving kit.
Article updated May 7, 2020.

The Modern Movers moving team in Southwest Florida knows the ins and outs of local, long-distance, commercial, office, piano moves, and much more. You can count on these professional movers in Fort Myers and Bradenton to get you to your new home while keeping stress-free!